Sophie Beers
Sophie Beers
Coach & Instructor
Certificate III & IV in Fitness Certified
KTX Level 1 – Kickboxing Certified
KTX Level 2 – Muay Thai Certified
Bootcamps Australia Level 2 Certified
Australian Institute of Kettlebells Certified
Senior First Aid & CPR
Professional and Personal Indemnity Insured
Sophie loves to chat! From childhood into her 20’s Sophie was always horse riding, playing hockey, practicing yoga, or singing. She spent 13 years chained in a desk job until discovering a love of kickboxing, at which point she dropped everything to and made fitness and teaching her life. You can find Sophie encouraging her Love2Box classes at the top of her voice on Wednesday night and Saturday morning, or bear-walking with her PT clients during the week. She believes in working hard, self improvement, and following your heart.
Favourite Exercise: Kickboxing, animal walks
Sophie lives by her favorite quote “Life is short. Find something you love to do and go hard!”
A little something about Sophie: Sophie sings during classes! You are always welcome to join in too 🙂
What not a lot of people know about Sophie but they should: Sophie loves the library. She borrows lots of books and DVDs, and is partial to anything 1950’s style, 1980’s, fantasy or sci-fi. She loves Elvis Presley, Roy Orbison, Toto, Led Zeppelin Creedence Clearwater, Kiss, Motley Crue, and met Ozzie Osbourne on his last tour with Black Sabbath.
Sophie’s training philosophies: Exercise is for everybody, regardless of age or ability. The trick is finding the right balance.
Sophie teaches: L2B, Express Boxing, Mums & Bubs, Strength for Life (over 50’s), PT.
Exercises she loves: Any exercise that makes you feel good, whether it’s lifting heavy, animal movements, band work, cardio, HIIT, TRX, walking your dog.
Her quote: Find something you love doing!
Her strengths: Talking, listening, drinking coffee, low-impact exercise variations.