“I was born fat and I will die fat”
Whilst watching a small documentary the other day about America’s obesity epidemic, featured was a woman whose quality of life has been deteriorating before our eyes. At the age of just 34, the 150kg plus woman was interviewed to see an insight of why she ended up that way. She said it was due to her addiction to food, lack of motivation and self-belief. It was what she said next that struck me.
“I was born fat and I will die fat”, she finished.
She had been defeated, it was almost as if in reflection she knew that this was going to happen and the process was irreversible.
To me, negative thoughts and self-doubts can be one of two things;
1. It can drive you to be better, strengthen your resilience and enlightens us to a higher way of thinking or,
2. It can spiral into a tomb of further negativity ultimately turning thoughts into actions, and in this case over eating to dangerous levels.
It is safe to say that although most of us like to think the first scenario is desired, in our lives a lot of us have felt the negative restraints and the impacts of the later. If we can develop a habit to help us get through adversity we will all be in a better place but this has to start in the brain.
‘Aim for the moon. Even if you miss you’ll land amongst the stars’
Put it simply, people need to start thinking in a positive manner to get anywhere, even if that initial negative thought could be transformed into a thought provoking positive one. For example;
‘I can’t…..’, Perhaps if you took a moment, take a breath perhaps you can?
It only takes a moment of optimism that can turn your frown upside down. =)
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