Personal Training By Appointment Only

Group Fitness Schedule Monday - Friday

600am - 12:00pm

5.30pm - 8.00pm

Group Fitness Schedule Saturday

8:00am - 12:00pm

Sunday Closed

Primary Location: 108 Prospect Road, Prospect L4B 289

COVID 19 Safety Plan

Weโ€™re back baby!
Get your best training tights/shorts on and your kicks laced tight. The VFIT family is excited to be seeing you face-to-face (instead of through a screen) in a few short weeks.
To keep us all safe and bug-free we have put together these Guidelines. These will be evolving Guidelines that will adjust as needs permit.

New Safety and Cleaning Procedures:

All staff and teachers have completed COVID-19 Infection training with certificates before opening outdoor classes and indoor classes.

The staff and teachers have the option to wear masks and gloves if they choose to. Members have the choice to bring their masks and gloves from home to use. 

All visitors to the studio must use hand sanitizer OR wash their hands with soap for no less than 20 seconds. This includes coaches, members, and family. This will be made readily available at the entrance to the studio and bathrooms, or prior to any outdoor session.

Hand wash signs are placed at all sink basins and hand sanitizer posters are available in all rooms.

The entrance door will be left open to minimize common points of contact

Online classes are still available for those not ready to come back to the studio, until further notice.

All equipment will be cleaned and sanitized before reopening.

New cleaning chemicals and soap have been purchased for the new cleaning systems.

A new cleaning roster has been designed with many more cleaning checks of frequent touchpoint surface areas such as iPads and door handles.

Anyone exhibiting any cold or flu symptoms will not be allowed access to the studio. This includes coaches.

All visitors to the studio will be asked if they have recently returned to Australia from overseas, or have had contact with anyone diagnosed with Coronavirus within the last 21 days. If the answer is yes, they will not be able to access the facility for the safety of all members and coaches.

Social distancing applied in all classes to a distance of 1.5 meters.

In Classes:

All members and/or trialist must sign up to the class in Mindbody a minimum of 24 hours prior to class commencing. This is to ensure we do not and exceed the limit within the studio. Failure to do so will result in the participant not being able to participate in class. We also ask that you cancel your place should you not be attend at the earliest possible time to allow anyone on the waitlist the opportunity to participate. The maximum amount we will allow for classes is 8 people.

Members are not required to sign-in with the Ipad. Coaches will do this for you.

The no-touch policy has been implemented in teaching classes. Verbal cues are to be used instead.

Members are to use mats over designated spacing marks.

Each member is allocated their own equipment for the duration of the session. In the unlikely event that the use of free weights are being shared, cleaning products will be available during the class and each member will be asked to sanitise the equipment and their hands before moving to the next station.

We recommend that members bring their own mats, however if VFIT’s mats are to be used, we ask that they are sanitised with the facilities provided before being put back. Our coaches will be reinforcing this.

Members are to use their own towels without negotiation. If possible, we recommend bringing 2 towels to ensure that one can be used for comfort when using equipment and another for the sole purpose of drying yourself if needed. Towels are available to purchase if needed.

An area of 4 square meters will be allocated for each training station per person. The areas have been clearly marked and we ask that members strictly abide by the area marked.

Class timetable starting times to allow 15 minutes between classes instead of back to back classes to allow time for people to leave a room and let it clear before others enter. If members would like to chat, we kindly ask that you do this at a safe distance outside of the studio to allow other members to come in and prepare for the next session.

Member Responsibilities:

Members are asked to stay at home and not use the facility if unwell or are exhibiting flu like symptoms.

New members and guests will be asked if they have had COVID-19, been exposed to person’s with COVID-19, or have experienced symptoms within the last 21 days as part of the usual initial health screening. A doctor’s clearance may be requested prior to commencing training at VFIT if the answer to any of the above is yes.

Members are asked to abide by social distance laws of 1.5 meters between other members and the VFIT Team.

Please remember to smile at others, live with kindness, we are in this together. 


In the event there is a reported COVID-19 positive case in the studio the relative authorities will be contacted and the members who had potential contact will be notified. The studio will be disinfected to ensure it is safe to resume classes.

Feedback as always is loved and appreciated by the VFIT family!

VFIT Holistic South Australian Government COVID Safe Plan Download – Step 3 – 14/08/2020

VFIT Holistic COVID-Safe Record of Completion Download

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